Friday, June 15, 2007

Can't chase butterflies forever...


...especially the dull ones.

Who would even notice in the first place? A dull-looking butterfly, perched on the most frequent foliage. Who would even stop and take a glance? Even for a brief moment? Who would even care? For a butterfly, small and ordinary. Hanging so languidly at the tip of the most common leaf.

"Please look. Just once. Please do!" plead the lone, dull-looking butterfly.


Anonymous said...

only people like us rayts who's really passion is photography would dare to stop and take a glance on a small and ordinary butterfly...
a nice one...

pieterbie said...

Why should I take a look at this dull, colourless butterfly perched on everyday foilage? Because its sensors are nicely contrasted against the black background? Because its tail drawing is well contrasted? Because the photo offers a good composition?
I have no idea why I should look at this.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's colorless and wings are torn! But still you managed to capture it nicely on it's natural environment. Umangat sya sa picture no matter how dull the subject.

Anonymous said...

That pattern is fasinating -- regardless of it's muted color, it still stands out. Nice catch.

Anonymous said...

Tena koe ehoa
I would and I do. Theres an unequivocable beauty in the simplicity of life that begins often, in its simple and mundane appearance. Those that attract little attention do so because that's their purpose. To evolve and lay purpose for those who would gladly consume the spotlight.

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